Feet Detoxifying Plaster. ◼2.6 POINTS


46 in stock

SKU: 41314


9Master Herb” Feet Detoxifying plaster,2pcs
SKU: 41314


Detoxification foot patch – removes fatigue, improves circulation, improves sleep quality, extract toxins, and improves overall body tone. Great Chinese medics called footsteps “second heart” of humans. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine on the footsteps are more than 60 active points, as well as reflex zones, associated with many of the internal organs. On the soles and are important energy channels “Jin,” that are deposited in the slag from the body over a long period of time. These toxins inhibit the normal course of circulation and can cause various diseases. One component of the patch is a bamboo, which has the property of sucking pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria and viruses. Bamboo has the unique property helps the body to maintain all essential nutrients and vitamins. Bamboo extracts is a powerful antioxidant. It improves blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries. It has been shown that the bamboo extracts and prevents the development of cancer cells. Angelica – effectively purifies the blood and improves microcirculation This extract has a strong antifungal, antimicrobial, antiviral activity. Famous olive oil is considered the elixir of youth and beauty. Rich in vitamin E, antioxidants and other valuable substances, it reinforces and complements the valuable properties of the patch. Olive extract prevents the onset of cardiovascular disease, lowering the levels of cholesterol in the blood. Almond oil slows the aging of the cells, reduces inflammation. It improves the regeneration of cells, normal water balance. Precious essential oil brings excess fluids and toxins, stimulates lymph and blood circulation, and has a positive effect of the capillary system. Regular usage regulates the circulation of blood and lymph. Trough reflex zones of the body, the patch sucks toxins from the body. As a result balance of the body is restored.

How to use it: Before Bedtime open package with the patch. Inside you’ll find two patches for both feet of the legs. Stick the adhesive side of the patch on cleansed skin of the feet. Minimum time for action of the patch is 6-8 hours optimum – 8-10 hours, illness – 12-24 hours. The patch is recommended to be placed before 9:00pm, when biologically active points of the body to “open.” It is possible the application on a sore spot. In the morning peel off the patch and rinse with water.

100% Natural Ingredients: Bamboo extract (Bamboo Extract), angelica seed powder (angelica semenanaprah), angelica root powder (angelica korennaprah), olive oil, almond oil (almond oil), plant fibre (fiber plant), dextrin. (Dextrin Source: Cornmeal)

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