Daily Panty Liner


4 in stock

SKU: 60145


Gentle Care Daily Panty Liner 1 pc
SKU 60145

Inside lining “Gentle Care” we will find phyto-membrane with extracts of 38 plants, which have antiseptic, diuretic and analgesic properties and in combination provide excellent effective hygiene.

Prevents bacteria growth and development of cystitis. Relieves discomfort and speeds up the recovery process.

The soft top layer of natural nonwoven instantly transmit moisture inside, providing a long lasting feeling of freshness and comfort. Internal phyto-membrane has a protective function, contributes to the destruction of bacteria. Inside lining – we will find herbal extracts and mineral antibacterial components. Wide adhesive agent provides excellent fixation on linen pantyliner.

Pantyliners are made in the recipes of traditional Chinese medicine and act as a dry compress.

The main components of phyto-membrane are: alunite, borneol, angelica, dandelion, Sophora japonica, Japanese honeysuckle, mint, gardenia, Indian chrysanthemum.

Alunite – a natural mineral, which is called “crystal freshness”, because it prevents a breed and kills bacteria that cause odor and provokes the development of infection.

Kaempferol – biologically active substances of plants (flavonoid), a diuretic and antispasmodic action.

Bornean camphor – camphor, which is extracted from camphor tree trunks Dryobalanops camphora, native to subtropical zones of China. It is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent.

Sophora japonica – for external use Sophora japonica exhibits a strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory deystvie.Vosstanavlivaet and seals the vessel walls.

Gardenia has antiseptic, stimulant and tonic effect.

Indian Chrysanthemum – plant, which for centuries used the eastern medicine. Has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action.

Angelica dauricus – in China called “female ginseng” and use it to restore the body after childbirth, treatment of painful menstruation, pain in the pelvic area. Angelica helps to normalize hormonal levels, as it contains phytoestrogens. Has inflammatory, analgesic and diuretic properties.

Japanese Honeysuckle – restores the balance of the natural microflora, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Korean scientists exploring the anti-inflammatory properties of this plant, discovered plant substances that reduce pain as well as aspirin.

Gardenia jasminoides – in traditional Chinese medicine is used as an antispasmodic and as a diuretic for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Taraxacum officinale – reduces inflammation, stimulates local immunity.

Indian chrysanthemum strengthens the skin to the harmful effects of the environment.

Peppermint has a light cooling effect on irritated areas.

The composition of the pantyliner “Gentle Care” also includes a large number of auxiliary plant components with diuretic, antiseptic and analgesic properties: kochia broomcorn, Agrimony officinalis, yam root onion, sweet flag cereal, madder serdtselistnaya, peony suffrutescent, krupnopilchaty angelica, wormwood the hair, verbena pharmacy bark dictamni radics mountaineer spiky, guttuiniya serdtselistnaya, Sweet Grass root Cyperus round, Tribulus terrestris, bark Amur velvet, root cane, velcro ezhevidnaya, Baikal skullcap extract rhizome Smilax bare, rough gentian, Agastache rugosa, forsythia drooping, Sichuan pepper, stemony root powder, fruit Zhgun Monnier-root, galangal root of the drug, ragwort tenacious, Paris Multivalent.

It is recommended for daily use, provides protection and comfort every day.

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